(1.27.14) to (6.11.14)

(1.27.14)...just found out black rose just got into an major accident...she...is in a hospital right now. she's still alive, but she will need therapy...

a drunk driver caused this to her and her aunt.

maybe i can try and finish second chapter for her as a...present, but i doubt it. i dont even know when she will be able to read it.

i'm kinda crying right now, and feeling cold all over, when i found out. my friend...my sweet friend. knowing that each day is precious...is a scary thing...i'm just going go to bed now

Update: still not over it, but I am managing. I know Black Rose, and she wouldn't want me to be all emo. For her, I am trying to overcome the writer's block right now, but not much luck. Still trying.
Always say nice things to your family and friends at the end of the day. I love you, have a nice night, hugs, and so on. If they are worth it, then let them know they are dear to you, okay?

(1.31.14) Updated Lady Exorcist. I may or may not add more to it.

(2.12.14) Kinda stuck on Lady Exorcist due to irl troubles, mainly college. Ugh. Rest assured, I'm trying my best.

(3.22.14) Wow, long time no news, huh? Sorry, folks! I got busy. Rest assured, I'm working on Lady Exorcist! Just...slowly...yes. Oh, GOOD NEWS.

I command you all to check out Passionate Crow Rat's account! She got a great news for you all!
She uploaded first bits of her own original manga! Semi!

Oh, it is going to be good! *u* I will promise you it will be good! I know so! Best Friends with Benefits that I am!

(3.24.14) Someone volunteered to help me out with Lady Exorcist! Here she is, Marshmallow Fudge Up! Thank you, Mallow!

(4.13.14) Debating to delete the second chapter and start it over. I was like, this plot isn't working. It got too dark, too fast. *shrugs* We'll see. I changed up the status, just in case.

(4.15.14)...yup, I'm going to replace the second chapter with something else, then. :l I don't like the current one.

EDIT: Messing with format of my profile. Sorry if anything scarred your eyes. I really have no regrets, about that, to be honest. :'D

EDIT 2: Making pretty good progress with the revised chapter 2. c: You will probably see your favorite characters very, very soon!

(4.17.14) Deleted the second chapter. There is a lot of changes in the new version of the second chapter that there is literally nothing in common between them. The plot had been revised-or rather, adjusted. I just simply tossed out few early chapters, and sped up the plot arc. c: Sorry for the troubles, dear readers! I do not want you to get the impression that the earlier second chapter is final or whatever.

(4.22.14) Changed LE's cover!

(4.26.14) Going a bit slow on writing, due to college coming down hard for the finals. *cries*

Nevermind! I got done with the chapter! YAY!

(4.27.14) spotted some incorrect pronouns, whoops. Fixed. I may miss some, still. I was too happy to think about total proofreading. Sorry, guys.

(5.14.14) I'm stuck with Lady Exorcist! D: Anyone help me maybe? ;-;

(5.17.14) Added the story cover to Troublesome! Here's the link!

(5.22.14) Vignettes are really fun, so I added a poll for ya guys. I may add more when I think of more ideas.

In other news, I'm getting a bit concerned about Lady Exorcist. It's not easy to write. :/

(5.23.14) Random note of the day, I want a betta fish in a generous 3-5 gallons tank sitting on my desk, and I don't think I have enough plugs for 'em. FFFFFFFF. *dies*

Also, did you know bettas are tropical fishes? They need heat (about 72-74 degrees) and a lot of room in water (thus why I said 3-5 gallons), to be one happy fish. c:'

(5.25.14) Noticed some concerns regarding Troublesome, which I will remedy once I updates on Monday in tl;dr form. I'll leave them here for unsure readers to see though.


One, the pairing between Ciel and Kagome? They're platonic, one-sided crushing thing on Ciel's part, since he's a growing boy and Kagome is basically a 30 years old sexy woman. Now, this is not to say their relationship will stay the same once or if Ciel grow old enough to be able to have a (near) healthy romance (or whatever close to it given to his mental state and his back story with abuses) relationship with her. I don't know yet, as it is to be determined in the future. That's a big if though, because he could die at some point and he could have been growing some (healthier) feelings for Elizabeth instead should he actually lived.

So, in short, no, Ciel and Kagome doesn't share any relationship too far than is appropriate between a kid 'n an adult. Yes, Ciel does have a crush on her, because he's a growin' boy in his puberty. If he actually grow old enough and is stable in mind, then yes, maybe he will try and start a personal relationship with Kagome. That's for him to decide, not Kagome.

Two, Kagome isn't a pedophile. She may be a demon, but preying on kids sexually isn't her thing. I'd explain more, but I don't want to spoil anything. She have her own reasons for approaching Ciel. That's all I can say.

Three, well, there's Elizabeth to think about as well. Ciel respect priorities and rules (on most parts), and he also respects Elizabeth (again, on most parts) and Kagome. Kagome does, also, respect Ciel and does her best for him.

Four, again, puberty.

Five, no, I didn't erase Sebastian out of existence. He'll show up at some point.

Six, no idea if there will be a genuine romance/intimate relationship with Kagome outside of few...umm...rolls in the hay with some random dudes/dudettes. In other words, no idea whether if there will be real pairings in the story. It is to be determined, and honestly, I'm weary of people suddenly passionately in love with Kagome for no reasons or for 'pure' reasons. Plus, she's a demon. Demons are...monsters, and monsters don't stay together for love, in my opinion. That's enough of that though or thus I'll spoil Troublesome.

Hopefully, that will leave my readers feeling better about Troublesome.

I do not condone pedophilia, in any form.

If my story demands me to write it (read: Alois), then I will have no choice but to write it. I'd feel sick about writing blatant graphic scenes, honestly. Let's hope that would never happen. Urk...

Ugh, now I feel sick. I was considering adding Alois and Claude, but now, I'm not so sure...I really wanted to, because I never wrote Alois before, but...nuggg...

*Definition of Platonic:
adjective: platonic (of love or friendship) intimate and affectionate but not sexual.
"their relationship is purely platonic"
(Cited: Google)
TL;DR: Platonic is basically pure friendship and no sex.


I hope my readers feel better now, haha...;; Sorry, I have no intention to scare you off, but you guys deserved some explanation regarding Ciel 'n Kagome's relationships.

EDIT: Whoop! Wrong date! Today's 25, not 15. Silly me. Also, some minor edits were made. ':)

(6.1.14) Neglected to put a news here. I won't be resuming everyday updates of Troublesome and will start twice a weekly update starting the 12th. Until then, Troublesome will be at the stalemate. I'm trying to use the time to work on Lady Exorcist, so until then, see you!

(6.11.14) Whoops, zero progress on Lady Exorcist. Ugh...

Good news though! My friend, and I'll give you a hint-she wrote a very popular crossover fic, are coming over to stay for a week! :D Jelly? Haha, but she have things going on, so I'm giving her a place to crash for a while. Give her some good wishes, okay? And if I'm slowing down Troublesome even more for a short while, then well, you know why.

(8.31.13) to (1.16.14)

(8.31.13) Is currently brain dead. x_x The next chapter though, wahhhh...Halp! And I have no idea where my beta went ;n; I think she might have been sick again...

(9.28.13) Welps, I'm sorta debating removing Rin's short arc from The Loveless and start it anew, with a whole new different plot. Although her role is important to the story, her backstory is a bit ridiculous, especially in Victorian ages. Same with Kirara too, that just made Kagome a bit of a mary sue, even if she had history with that animal...

Granted, I do need to get writing again. :s Hadn't written much in a while. (sobs)

Opinions? I really do need some criticisms!

Also tweaked all chapters of The Loveless.

(10.5.13) Still a zero progress on The Loveless. :s Managed to make some unimportant changes in this profile.

(10.18.13) Still dead. Also started wandering into other fandoms now, aka The Cat Returns and such.

(11.4.13) Decided to attempt working an oneshot (5k words now. Primary goal is get to 10k words) to get back into writing. Also renamed the title Of the Red Aces to Monsters, Lovers, and changed the summary entirely and gave it a new story cover. The old one sucked.

(11.9.13) 7k so far. A sneak peek is in my tumblr, if you wanna check it out. Also, fanfictions pretty much went to the sh*tter recently. Meh. To other fandoms I goes!

(11.19.13) Made some progress in The Loveless! I stalled a bit on the mentioned oneshot, but it is now at 10k words, SO! HOORAY FOR PROGRESS.

Also made some minor edits in chapter 12 of The Loveless.

(11.21.13) Well, fck. I just started reading the two latest chapters of Kuroshitsuji manga, since I hadn't in a while, and they already used several major ideas I was going to add in my story later.

Gawd damn it! *pouts childishly* Meh, although they went about it very differently, so I supposed it would be alright. I'm just being a brat. OTL Still, it is a good read.

(12.3.13) Just read the previous note, and...I sounded high off of sugar. Sorry about that, yo. Been busy with finals and such. I am hoping to get back to writing the end of the next week: that's when my winter break start.

(12.18.13) Decided to rewrite The Loveless and see if whether it will be easier to update that way. One of major problems I had with the original fanfiction was that, well it involved too much of Ciel and Sebastian and some plot felt rushed. I ultimately decided to make the story focus mostly on Kagome, Shippou, and the rest of Higurashi household, at least for the beginning.

No worries, The Loveless is here to stay. It won't be continued, most likely. That is if the reconned attempt actually worked out. If THAT plan doesn't work out, I'll attempt going back to The Loveless. The major differences between The Loveless and Lady Exorcist are probably 'repaired' plot (the flow is better, better character development, and better tweaked Kagome's personality-The Loveless had her extremely awkward), Lady Exorcist is a bit more developed and researched, and well, later appearances of Kuroshitsuji characters, I supposed.

So far Lady Exorcist is progressing alright. :) I'm going to make a goal to write a thousand words plus per week. Let's hope for the best! My goal is to finish at least two chapters before December ends, one for Christmas!

In other news, I deleted Ghosts In My Head and Ribbons to Hearts. It was about time for them to go anyway, to be honest. Sorry folks, I understand that you probably are fond of them, but the reality was, I was not fond of them at all. If you still wanted to see those two works, they are in Old Fanfictions link provided way above. I am not that cruel.

And one last subject, I need a beta reader. I don't know where inuluvskags1 went, and I had been trying to contact her for a long while now with no replies. I am assuming her life took her away. Let's hope for her best health! She's really a sweet gal, so I do worry.

If you do volunteer to be my beta, that would be great. FYI I do have a Skype at hands!

Happy Holidays!

(12.20.13) Finally decided to post the note about the changes in The Loveless. ;n; please don't kill me! It will be deleted in 48 hours from now.

(12.22.13) Deleted the note. A bit late due to life, but yeah. Found someone interested. Here's hoping for the best!

(12.24.13) !!! I am DONE! Now I just need to run this through my betareader, and viola! You all should get it by Christmas (Eastern Standard Time Zone)! I'm very excited!

(12.25.13) Merry Christmas! Took a while to post it due to ffnet server failure, but here you are, folks! Hope you like it!

PS. I know the cover is literally the same from The Loveless, but I am making another cover for it right now, so give me some time to make it. :)

EDIT: ffnet you SUCKED. cries. that's a great way to give me my own xmas gift. Not. If you are having problems reviewing/favoriting/alerting, you may want to wait until tomorrow. I have no idea what is going on. :s sorry, dear reader.

(12.26.13) I am not very happy with ffnet service at this point. I am still hoping for more reviews so I can know whether if Lady Exorcist is worth working on, but considering the unreliable server...I may have to wait a bit longer than two weeks to see the readers' responses. Those two weeks should be spent working on the second chapter... T_T *sighs* Sorry, I know that I sounded like a child, but is it really wrong to want to know my readers' thoughts on the rebooted version? :/

May try and post another note on The Loveless to informs those readers who only alerted the said work to get their attentions later today. I feel like I'm being an attention whore at this point, which I don't want. :( Sorry if you thought negatively of me that way.

EDIT: Changed Lady Exorcist's cover.

EDIT2: Here's the link to the bigger picture of the cover. Without the title and written by thing too. Enjoy.

(12.28.13) Okay, was convinced by a friend to go ahead and post a notice for The Loveless' readers that Lady Exorcist is up.

EDIT: Tweaked the chapter from typos as pointed out by two kind reviewers. :) Thank you! If you see any more, please don't hesitate to tell me! And I do mean it. :I

(1.1.14) HAPPY NEW YEAR! May 2014 be great for us all!

(1.4.14) Edited the first chapter of Lady Exorcist a bit.

(1.16.14) College started last Monday, so it got a bit busier. Aiming to update Lady Exorcist once a month. Better than nothing. Beware that some chapters will be shorter than others, though they'll still be over 5k words.