(9.14.11) to (12.13.11) Thanks, Halloween, and Christmas!

(9.14.11) Updated The Loveless, happy time for all of you! :) Unfortunately, I cannot promise the regular schedule anymore-I have a volunteering job now so...yeahhhh. And again, I apologized about the animation-that have to wait until my computer is upgraded. :/ Anything else...naw, not much.

OH! Also, if you are in need of help (not betaing though (unless one of them personally offer it)-they will give you CC, tips on how to develop a character, and such), I'm spotlighting a group/forum in ffnet that will help you all out.


Please keep this in mind that they're not solely Kagome-based group-they will also assist with all sort of crossovers as well. Say, if you have a crossover, like a Harry Potter/Sailor Moon crossover, they will help with that too. So check them out sometime. :)

And I think I may need another beta, D: Kira is too pretty busy to even beta anymore. ;_; If anyone offers, please let me know. ^^;

(9.15.11) I fucked up the chapter 7! D: I need to learn how to double read my own story! *dies* So sorry, guys! ): I think I forgot to take away some end parts to use for the next chapter, as per my habits, to make it flow much better. But golly geez! That was EMBARRASSING!

(10.19.11) Well...Sorry I took forever to update the next chapter (but it's UNbeta'd! D: )~And I NEED A BETA! Dx; If anyone offer, PLEASE pm me! I'll interview you then! lol! Don't worry-I won't bite much! :)

And other thing~I'm having a hard time getting some inspiration to write~so forgive me for being so bold but maybe some of you guys can, ehm, make some fanart for me or something? Whatever helps! ':) Agh, sorry for being so bold, hahah. ^^ ;

If you do that, I'll personally make sure to give you a spotlight in the next chapter AND in the profile (for like permanently!)! :D And maybe I can do bit of a shot for ya or something. Who knows? XD

Ah, enough of my rambling...I also made a fanart for The Loveless-here's the link. It's crappy but I hope you all will like it anyhow. ^^

Yes, I'm just paraphrasing from what I said in the bottom A/N of chapter 8. :U

OH and THANK YOU guys and gals for adding me to your alert/fave list and for reviewing! I need to mention that-I forgot to say that in the chapter, but I rambled enough as it is. Hope you guys don't mind me saying it in here! Again, THANK YOU so very MUCH!

Umm-that's about it from me today!

(10.24.11) I decided it would be a good time to start replying back to some of reviews! :) So sorry if it was sudden if you see a reply in your inbox! ^^; It was about time for me to start showing small bit of appreciation to my readers and reviewers! Also, if you have ANY question, please, don't be scared to ask! :) I'll try and answer it to the best of my ability.

Again, THANK YOU for adding me to your alert/fave list and for your reviews!

I'll try and upload something soon! :) Hopefully, on Halloween!

And I'll try and get some motivation to get some head-start on The Loveless!

(10.31.11) HAPPY HALLOWEEN! On the exact dot of 11:11 P.M. in EST, I've uploaded a shot in a tribute of it! Hope you all like it!

(12.13.11) I'M ALIVE! And is currently working on a Christmas shot to boot. xD; Sorry, guys! I'm tempted to put up a sneak peek but the only place I can put it in was blogspot or dA. D:' Beside if I did finish the shot, I wouldn't post it until the 25th...So...hope you'll all be looking forward to it? ^^;