EDIT: Edited a typo in the summary. :I I need to learn how to proofread. Sorry.
EDIT 3: Slightly edited the summary and added the pairing/main characters. For some reason it did not take the first time and I just noticed now.
(8.3.14) I'm obsessed with writing Young Justice/InuYasha xover fic. Help.
(8.5.14) Ah fk it. You get Hero out of it. Have fun reading it. It is rated M to be safe, by the way, due to the foul language usages. Unless that is allowed in T rating? I don't know, lol.
(8.6.14) Hero's summary may change, by the way. It is not final.
I should add that, like Troublesome, it is all on development and growth of characters. Romance will come later as it is also a part of character development.
Maybe one day I will do a collective vignettes with different pairings and do solely romance. Attracted to You is...well, I can't do longer works these days. I don't know why, but I lose my drives with longer chapters/works, making shorter works easier for me to achieve.
We'll see.
EDIT: Hero gets an early update! I was genuinely surprised at the interests being invested in Hero, so I decided to post the first chapter! I hope it will do the prologue justice! Please be sure to leave your feedback, if you can! c:
(8.11.14) FANART and TUMBLR (the latter for fanfiction ramblings only).
(8.14.14) Is not doing well. My dog, Kirby, was gone at 10:17am yesterday, due to his old age.
Godspeed, you glorious bastard, godspeed. You are loved and is cherished, in the heart of our home, and you shall be forever remembered.
(8.17.14) To add insults to my injuries, my laptops decided it hated Microsoft Office so I couldn't write anymore. Lovely. Now I'm on some crappy freeware word processor. Ughhh...can't wait to get another laptops. Writing and a new puppy given from a stranger were the only things keeping me happy at this point. :/ Everything else, including the pending college start date, is making me to not want to get out of my bed and just cry myself to sleep.
And yeah, I recently got a rottweiler puppy-I didn't think the timing was very good given Kirby's too-recent passing (if anything it made me a bit mad-but I couldn't do anything about it), but she kept my depression at bay. Her name is Sophia (previously Princess-but lolno) and she's 6 months old. And she is very needy, blah! But she's surprisingly attentive-including licking me out of my bed in the morning.
She could never replace Kirby, but then again no dog could ever replace their predecessor nor could their successor.
Life sucks. And so is all dogs' longevity.
We just need to accept that.
Bleh, enough of my whining about my life-I'll update Hero for you guys tomorrow.
EDIT: As writing this she's licking my foot and sucking on her squeaky fox toy. Okay then Sophia, wtf. Thanks for a laugh though, sweetie. I needed it.
(8.25.14) Please be aware that I am very willing to edit my typos and fails. If you see something that needed to be pointed out, then please do let me know and I will tweak/edit as accordingly.
I do not have a beta-reader, so I do try and proofread the best I could, but I do, and will, miss things.
However, I would appreciate it more if you were signed in instead of as an anon, so I can personally thank you in private with an apology for the typo(s) and inform you of the fix(es).
Just a food for thoughts.
(8.30.14) Umm...my profile was suddenly popular lately...I wonder why? Oh well.
Hello, I hope you had a pleasant stay here. Do feel free to drop any question through my PM box!
(9.1.14) I may or may not have found a beta reader. We'll see. c:'
(9.2.14) Seriously guys, who the heck are you and why are you spiking up the visits on my profile? o.O Did I do something wrong, or?
Never had this high of spikes before...and I'm a bit uncomfortable. OTL
(9.4.14) Changed Hero's summary! Old one was bugging me-it didn't feel right, so I changed it entirely. I think it's a ton better!
(9.9.14) Will edit ch.7 of Hero from awkward wordings once I get in touch with someone. Sucked being deaf though. xX; Look back in ch.7 for a reply to a kind anon about the situation if you like to know.
(9.15.14) Busy, busy being sick. Xx barely wrote this past week. Flu sucked, but hooray! Got 50 reviews in Hero! I know it's a small number, but it's a very good number for me! You guys are awesome! *heart*
I do have a side blog for my writing, if you want to keep up! It's the second tumblr link up above. C:
Seriously though you guys are awesome.
(9.16.14) Removed Of Bells and Scales, as it was redundant in the list. It's already in the poll anyway. Instead I replaced it with a possible series of side stories for Hero. Because, why not.
And yea, I still missed my old pup. It get a bit easier each day. Having Sophie helped a lot. It still sucked though.
EDIT: Like an idiot I am, I made a mistake with the date. Fixed.
(9.22.14) I am aware that the quality is kinda dropping in Hero, and I am sorry for that. When I find some time to, I will revise and improve the quality. Until then please be patient with me.
EDIT: a word. I need to learn how to proofread.
(9.23.14) Did a new cover for Hero! Here's the full image: link. It was titled 'Almost'.
EDIT: or if you prefer deviantart, here.
(9.27.14) I will TRY to remember to work on Troublesome, but uhhh, I don't usually try and update when I do not have enough chapters left. :s I'm a bit stuck, as you can see. If anyone would like to brainstorm with me, that would be cool.
I'm doing okay on Hero though, haven't been writing much because I need to study for 3 (yes, 3!) tests coming up next week. Help me. But there is enough contents of Hero that I don't have to worry about it.
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