Random Stuffs
I should add to my ffn account but didn't anyway...
I should add to my ffn account but didn't anyway...
My current obsession would be…KUROSHITSUJI/INUYASHA CROSSOVERS! :D I just love the idea of it. I just do. :D
Oh! And Passionate Crow Rat’s Rebirth! ^_^ It’s filled with epic yumminess inside! (Shameless, shameless promotion here!) Check her work out!
Wanna know what it’s about? Naruto/InuYasha crossover! Pseudo brother(S!) who was (WERE! Or are?) in LOVE with his (THEIR!) fake sister! The fox vessel in love with the very same girl! EPIC HAREM! Oh! And they’re in some kind of EPIC adventures together! No marysues! No abuse of the clichés (pretty much, after you got past some few things)! Some EPIC craziness inside! Obsessions! Rivals! Love! Adventures! Goddess! That’s about to sum it up!
CHECK CHE-CHECK CHE-(did some rapping noises)-CHECK IT OUT! ;) If you’re a hardcored fan of Naruto/InuYasha crossovers and want to look for a SUPER good one, one worthy of your drools, this is the one for you! ;) I promise you won’t regret it!
Want Challenges? Here! I have some for you!
•Final Fantasy VII and InuYasha crossover(!). VincentKagome, Anyone!Kagome (Harem, Threesome, and Moresome are all greatly acceptable, if done right, unless it’s meant to be a PWP)
•Final Fantasy VIII and InuYasha crossover(!). SquallKagome
•Final Fantasy Dissidia and InuYasha crossover(!). SquallKagome, CloudKagome, Anyone!Kagome (Harem, Threesome, and Moresome are all greatly acceptable, if done right, unless it’s meant to be a PWP)
•Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) and InuYasha crossover(!). SebastianKagome, CielKagome, or Threesome (SebastianKagomeCiel). UndertakerKagome or Anyone!Kagome is perfectly fine too. Restrictions: No underaged sexual relationship, please. Okay: Nonsexual, romantic Adult/Child relationship (if done right-I saw a few that pulled it off successfully in my book. But I do not support sexual Adult/Child relationships of any sort however. I hate those.)
•The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and InuYasha crossover. LinkKagome
•Trinity Blood and InuYasha crossover. AbelKagome
•Devil May Cry and InuYasha crossover. DanteKagome, VergilKagome or Threesome (DanteKagomeVergil)
•Vampire Hunter D and InuYasha crossover. DKagome
•Hellsing and InuYasha crossover. AlucardKagome
•Blood+ and InuYasha crossover. HagiKagome
•Jigoku Shojo (Hell Girl) and InuYasha crossover. RenKagome
•Young Justice/Justice League and InuYasha crossover(!). SuperboyKagome, RobinKagome, Threesome (SuperboyKagomeRobin), (BatmanKagomeSuperman) (.__. What? I haven’t seen that combo yet!), Anyone!Kagome is perfectly fine too.
Restrictions: If Kagome somehow receive a form of superpower other than her own miko ki or possible good athletic skills (due to her traveling all over Japan or possible trainings she receives from whoever that was in Feudal Era), then please make it so that it fits her or is more believable (how she got her powers is also applied). And I’d like IY to be remained canon because I think it’d be more interesting that way and have it to be molded with YJ/JL universe too.
•Final Fantasy VIII and InuYasha crossover(!). SquallKagome
•Final Fantasy Dissidia and InuYasha crossover(!). SquallKagome, CloudKagome, Anyone!Kagome (Harem, Threesome, and Moresome are all greatly acceptable, if done right, unless it’s meant to be a PWP)
•Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) and InuYasha crossover(!). SebastianKagome, CielKagome, or Threesome (SebastianKagomeCiel). UndertakerKagome or Anyone!Kagome is perfectly fine too. Restrictions: No underaged sexual relationship, please. Okay: Nonsexual, romantic Adult/Child relationship (if done right-I saw a few that pulled it off successfully in my book. But I do not support sexual Adult/Child relationships of any sort however. I hate those.)
•The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and InuYasha crossover. LinkKagome
•Trinity Blood and InuYasha crossover. AbelKagome
•Devil May Cry and InuYasha crossover. DanteKagome, VergilKagome or Threesome (DanteKagomeVergil)
•Vampire Hunter D and InuYasha crossover. DKagome
•Hellsing and InuYasha crossover. AlucardKagome
•Blood+ and InuYasha crossover. HagiKagome
•Jigoku Shojo (Hell Girl) and InuYasha crossover. RenKagome
•Young Justice/Justice League and InuYasha crossover(!). SuperboyKagome, RobinKagome, Threesome (SuperboyKagomeRobin), (BatmanKagomeSuperman) (.__. What? I haven’t seen that combo yet!), Anyone!Kagome is perfectly fine too.
Restrictions: If Kagome somehow receive a form of superpower other than her own miko ki or possible good athletic skills (due to her traveling all over Japan or possible trainings she receives from whoever that was in Feudal Era), then please make it so that it fits her or is more believable (how she got her powers is also applied). And I’d like IY to be remained canon because I think it’d be more interesting that way and have it to be molded with YJ/JL universe too.
Restrictions/Rules that applied all of the challenges listed up above:
•As I’m not a fan of marysueish Kagome, please avoid having her as marysueish if possible. IE-don’t go making her a demon princess with billions of powers. That got so old already.
•I don’t mind harems, but make it tasteful. No dumb ‘whoring around’ kind of things. Unless it’s strictly a PWP.
•No bashings! That’s very childish, in my opinions. If you don’t like someone and still wish to bash them, then make it subtle.
•Be original as possible! I know it’s hard to be original but at least give a try. And I’d suggest giving an old cliché a new spin (and yes, even if it pains me so, that ‘demon princess with billions of powers’ one counts also.) and make it believable!
•No crackfic please, I do like humor, but not the crackish sort.
•As I’m not a fan of marysueish Kagome, please avoid having her as marysueish if possible. IE-don’t go making her a demon princess with billions of powers. That got so old already.
•I don’t mind harems, but make it tasteful. No dumb ‘whoring around’ kind of things. Unless it’s strictly a PWP.
•No bashings! That’s very childish, in my opinions. If you don’t like someone and still wish to bash them, then make it subtle.
•Be original as possible! I know it’s hard to be original but at least give a try. And I’d suggest giving an old cliché a new spin (and yes, even if it pains me so, that ‘demon princess with billions of powers’ one counts also.) and make it believable!
•No crackfic please, I do like humor, but not the crackish sort.
The plot and such is up to you. It really doesn't matter if they're oneshot or continuous as long they got a good plot going. I'll be happy with what I can get! And yes, I’m old enough to read lemons, to those that cared. But at least put it on somewhere proper, rather than ffn (because we all know this site is All-Ages and I do…kind of…want to protect some of the innocent eyes…), like aff or something.
The order they are in does not mean which one I wanted to see the most, they are just in a random order. However a (!) means it is the one I wanted to see the most. Also, if you choose to do one but have a difficulty to think of a plot or would like some help, please, you are very welcome to ask me (PM only, please). If you decide to do one, please let me know so I can await eagerly for it (Please PM me)!
The order they are in does not mean which one I wanted to see the most, they are just in a random order. However a (!) means it is the one I wanted to see the most. Also, if you choose to do one but have a difficulty to think of a plot or would like some help, please, you are very welcome to ask me (PM only, please). If you decide to do one, please let me know so I can await eagerly for it (Please PM me)!
Fun with Dream Selfy:
Loveless Kagome
Butler Shippou
Gardener Yash
Happy Rin
Maid Kiki
Journalist Kagome (1)
Journalist Kagome (2)
Fun with Dream Selfy:
Loveless Kagome
Butler Shippou
Gardener Yash
Happy Rin
Maid Kiki
Journalist Kagome (1)
Journalist Kagome (2)
Level Them Up!
Just click them!
Level Them Up!
Just click them!
